Happy New Year and Blog-Anniversary

Happy and Prosperous New Year to all my readers. May you have a wonderful and wanderful 2018.

Incidentally, this month my blog also completes one year and hence I am throwing a ‘Blog Partyyyyyyy’!!!!! All of you are welcome to join and have fun. Few of my blogger friends have already joined the party. Therefore be prepared to read some amazing posts from few of the best bloggers in blogosphere. It is going to be one ‘big fat blog party’ with some amazing posts in store. Stay tuned!!

This year, I am also introducing few new sections in my blog. Each Wednesday I would be writing on travel in Wanderful Wednesday Travelogues. If you have a travel tale and wish to join then you are cordially welcome. Please come and share your travel tales with me every Wednesday. Just link your post with mine and leave a comment so that I can link your post as well.

I am also starting Thursday Tales. If you want to share anecdote/short stories/ memoir then just link your post with mine every Thursday and leave a comment so that I can link your post as well.

I hope that like the previous year my readers would keep liking and commenting on my posts. I sincerely appreciate the love and support that I received from all of you. Keep visiting, reading, liking, commenting and sharing. I love to read your comments.


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